The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The plank for diving be crumblin' at ye jolly amusement park's acrobat spectacle! Arrr!


Arrr! A grand calamity befallen the kraut fair! A deck of scurvy landlubbers got themselves injured, as a diving perch took a plunge during a swashbucklin' show called "Retorno dos Piratas!"

Germany's biggest amusement park, Europa Park, experienced a mishap during a pirate-themed acrobat show when a diving platform collapsed, injuring seven individuals. The incident occurred during a performance of the show "Retorno dos Piratas," causing a mobile pool to rupture and the attached diving towers to give way. Notably, water from the pool spilled into the Atlantica SuperSplash water ride, with remnants of the show's set floating in the water.
A total of five performers and two visitors were harmed, with three performers being taken to a nearby hospital for assessment. The amusement park is situated in the town of Rust, neighboring the French and Swiss borders.
In a video capturing the incident, individuals on the Atlantica SuperSplash ride can be seen at a standstill due to the mishap. One person, speaking in French, expressed their frustration at being stuck for fifteen minutes. Fortunately, the water ride was reopened a few days later, according to a park spokesperson.
This is not the first incident at Europa Park this year. In June, the park was evacuated due to a significant fire. While two firefighters sustained minor injuries during the incident, there were no casualties among visitors. Europa Park attracts a substantial number of visitors, with over 6 million people visiting in 2022. It remains the largest theme park in Germany.
(Source: Fox News)

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