The Booty Report

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Arrr, them scurvy dog climate mutineers be blind to the true peril that plagues our world, mateys!


Avast ye scallywags! In t' mighty realm o' climate change and energy, 'tis pragmatism, not panic, that be holdin' the key. We be needin' t' think smartly, me hearties, lest we be walkin' the plank o' foolishness! Arrr!

All Americans agree that clean air and water are essential, but the radical 'anti-fossil fuels' climate stance oversimplifies the issue and threatens the energy supply for Americans, our allies, and developing economies. Instead of viewing fossil fuels as an obstacle, we should embrace American energy sources like liquified natural gas (LNG), which can lower emissions, enhance national security, lift impoverished communities, and support democratic values.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not in an energy transition but an energy expansion. World demand for energy is projected to increase by 47% by 2050. Radical climate activists ignore this increase and the importance of energy access for economic development.

The argument that wind and solar energy are the cheapest forms of power generation ignores the fact that they cannot provide a reliable base load. Additionally, the production of wind and solar energy relies on expensive batteries made with minerals mined using slave labor in China. Moreover, these batteries can only produce energy for a few hours at a time.

In contrast, natural gas production has lowered prices and emissions. The shale revolution has reduced the domestic price of natural gas by 63% and led to a 45% decrease in the wholesale price of electricity. This has saved US consumers $203 billion annually. Methane emissions from the oil and gas sector have dropped by 14%, and CO2 emissions from the US power sector declined by 28%, with natural gas contributing to more than half of the decline.

Energy security is crucial for national sovereignty and global stability. If the US adopts radical climate goals, China and Russia will gain geopolitical power, furthering their autocratic regimes. By responsibly harnessing domestic natural gas reserves, the US can reduce reliance on energy imports from unstable regions, enhancing geopolitical leverage and economic resilience.

Access to reliable and affordable energy is fundamental, and American-made energy can help alleviate energy poverty. Increased US energy production has lifted over a billion people out of poverty since 1990. Natural gas has improved living conditions, driven economic growth, and empowered local populations.

In the complex realm of climate change and energy availability, pragmatism is key. Abandoning fossil fuels will lead to economic disarray, energy insecurity, and increased emissions. However, harnessing natural gas has the potential to bring economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and political empowerment. It is crucial to balance the present needs with future imperatives to create a prosperous and safe society.

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