The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that ye can now stream frightful flicks like 'Bad Things' and 'Zom 100'! Arr!


Avast ye landlubbers! This month's spine-chilling booty be filled with unwelcoming specters, a wee werewolf, and even some dreadful Japanese revenants! Prepare ye for a treacherous voyage into the realm of fright, lest ye wish to walk the plank! Arr!

Arr matey! Gather 'round, ye scurvy dogs, as I spin ye a tale that'll shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bone. 'Tis a tale of inhospitable ghosts, a wee lad turned werewolf, and even Japanese zombies. Aye, these be the frightful picks ye must beware of this month!

First off, we be facin' inhospitable ghosts, me hearties. These spectral troublemakers be hauntin' every nook and cranny, lurkin' in dark corners and makin' ye jump outta yer britches. They be a frightful bunch, messin' with poor souls who dare enter their domain. Best be keepin' an eye out for them, unless ye fancy a chill down yer spine that'll freeze ye solid as an ice cube.

Next on our spine-chillin' list be a wee lad turned werewolf. Aye, me mateys, ye heard right! This young scallywag be howlin' at the moon and growin' furrier than a sea lion in winter. Imagine the chaos he be causin' with his newfound lycanthropic abilities. Ye better be lockin' up yer sheep and guardin' yer gold, for this pint-sized werewolf be on the prowl, lookin' for mischief!

Now, me hearties, brace yerselves for the scariest of all horrors: Japanese zombies! These undead creatures be shamblin' about with a hunger for brains that'd rival the fiercest storm at sea. Their decaying flesh and insatiable appetites be a sight to behold, provided ye don't become their next feast. Keep yer swords sharp and yer wits about ye if ye dare to cross paths with these fearsome foes.

So there ye have it, me hearties, the spookiest picks of the month. 'Tis a treacherous sea we sail, filled with inhospitable ghosts, kid werewolves, and Japanese zombies. Hold fast to yer senses, me mateys, and beware the terrors that lurk in the shadows. May we survive the month unscathed and with a jolly laugh in our bellies!

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