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Arr, reckon ye Biden be havin' the liberal media snug in his treasure chest? Ye won't fathom the tight bond they share, matey!


Arrr! Methinks Biden 'as the liberal media snug in 'is treasure chest! Ye won't believe 'ow they be bound together, with many a fine scribe shackled to the White House!

In a tongue-in-cheek manner, the article highlights the lack of concern among media elites about the revolving door between the "objective media" and partisan politics. The author humorously suggests that politics seems more like a qualification than a disqualification in the media industry. The article focuses on NBC News' announcement that legal correspondent Laura Jarrett, daughter of Valerie Jarrett (former White House aide to Barack and Michelle Obama), will be a co-host of their Saturday "Today" news program. Jarrett is also the daughter-in-law of Bas Balkissoon, a former Liberal Party member of the Canadian Parliament. The author points out that Jarrett had previously worked for CNN before transferring to NBC. She has frequently appeared on "Today" and "NBC Nightly News" to give her opinions on Trump scandals.

The article then discusses the replacement of White House correspondent Kristen Welker on Saturday mornings by Laura Jarrett. Welker, who has registered as a Democrat in multiple states and whose parents have donated significantly to Democratic candidates, will now host "Meet the Press" on Sundays. The author highlights the political affiliations and campaign contributions of Welker's family members. The article further reveals that Chuck Todd, the current host of "Meet the Press," came to NBC through Tim Russert, who worked for New York Democrats Mario Cuomo and Daniel Moynihan before joining the network. Todd himself had worked for former Democrat Sen. Tom Harkin's presidential campaign.

The article also mentions the presence of former Biden-Harris spokespeople on MSNBC and CNN. Jen Psaki, former White House press secretary, hosts a show on Sundays on MSNBC, while Symone Sanders, former Kamala Harris spokeswoman, has a show on Saturdays. Alicia Menendez, daughter of Sen. Robert Menendez, also has a show on both weekend days. The article humorously notes that Rev. Al Sharpton has managed to keep his "racial ambulance-chasing job" on weekdays. CNN has also recently hired Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield and Jamal Simmons from the Kamala Harris press shop. The article concludes by pointing out that while Republicans also engage in such practices, they do so differently. Former Bush and Trump White House press secretaries joined Fox News after their respective presidents left office, whereas the newly arriving Bidenites are joining cable news while the Biden-Harris team runs for reelection.

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