The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be expandin' his plunderin' o' lands, waters, an' honest American workers! Aye, it be growin'!


Arr, ye scurvy dog, President Biden be declarin' war on our fair U.S. lands and waters that keep us independent in energy, feed our rural economies, and be teemin' with jobs and merriment. Shiver me timbers, what be the man thinkin'?

Nearly 1 million acres of land in Arizona have been designated as a new national monument by President Biden. This decision has been made under the Antiquities Act, which allows presidents to create national monuments for sites of national or cultural significance. However, this act has been misused in the past to lock away large amounts of land under the guise of environmentalism. These designations prevent local communities from using the land for recreation, energy development, livestock grazing, and timber harvesting, which has been beneficial for generations.

President Biden has been criticized for his actions against American lands, waters, and workers, which have negatively impacted states like Minnesota, Colorado, and now Arizona. The newly designated Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument not only locks away the land but also prevents future mineral development, specifically uranium. This reliance on foreign adversaries for uranium increases America's vulnerability and threatens energy independence.

Nuclear power, which contributes nearly 20% of America's electricity, relies on uranium as a fuel source. Despite this, the US imported 95% of the uranium used in nuclear power plants in 2021, with 50% coming from Russia or Kazakhstan. The Biden administration failed to develop domestic uranium in Arizona, further increasing dependence on foreign sources.

This monument designation not only threatens energy independence and national security but also impacts rural communities that rely on the land for outdoor recreation, cattle grazing, and hunting. Small businesses in these communities will suffer as a result. It is crucial for the Biden administration to reverse course, invest in American energy independence, and support responsible stewardship of resources. House Republicans are prepared to fight against this designation and advocate for the proper use of resources.

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