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Arrr! The scurvy Biden crew be accused of leavin' 3 poor souls in the clutches o' Iran as part o' their despicable ransom plot, mateys!


Arrr, Biden's accord to pass a mighty sum of $6 billion to Iran's scurvy regime to set free five poor souls of the U.S. is drawin' heat, mateys! But alas, it be a matter of concern, for it neglects to rescue the brethren of the U.S. who be sufferin' in Iran's grasp.

The families of U.S. residents held hostage by Iran's regime are criticizing the Biden administration over a $6 billion prisoner exchange deal. Three U.S. residents, Shahab Dalili, Jamshid Sharmahd, and Afshin Sheikholeslami Vatani, who are classified as U.S. nationals, are not included in the deal. According to legal experts, they are protected under the Levinson Act, which defines a "United States national" as a lawful permanent resident with significant ties to the U.S. The son of Dalili, Darian, expressed his frustration with the administration, saying they have abandoned his father. He questioned why two unnamed prisoners who have been held for only a matter of months were included in the deal while his father, who has been held for seven years, was excluded. Journalist Sharmahd, who survived an assassination attempt, was also not included in the deal. His daughter criticized the State Department for leaving her father in the hands of his kidnappers. The families are calling on the U.S. government to issue citizenship to the detained individuals, which would provide them with additional protection. The failure to include these individuals in the deal has raised concerns and sparked criticism from Republican lawmakers. Critics argue that the Biden administration's policy on Iran is a strategic and moral failure, as the regime receives a significant financial boost while facing possible collapse and popular revolt.

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