The Booty Report

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Yonder scurvy knave be persecutin' our brethren o' the Christian faith, settin' the Holy Bible to trial, once more!


Two scurvy landlubbers be sailin' back to court on Aug. 31, facin' trial fer bein' mere Christians. All ye who holds dear the grand Western Civilization should be dreadfully troubled, arrr!

Last March, Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola were found "not guilty" by a Helsinki court in a case of legal persecution of them for their Christian beliefs about marriage. However, they are now heading back to court on August 31 to stand trial once again for simply being Christians. Räsänen has been investigated for criticizing her own church for sponsoring a gay pride parade and writing a pamphlet supporting a biblical view of marriage. The prosecution also levied an additional charge against Pohjola for hosting Räsänen's pamphlet on his church's website. Räsänen faces criminal charges over a single tweet sharing a Bible verse. The trial's intent is to fundamentally undermine the foundations of modern Western Civilization, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion.

During the first trial, the prosecution put the Bible itself at the forefront of its legal attacks, quoting Old Testament verses and questioning basic Christian theology. Eventually, the defendants were found not guilty, but the prosecution appealed the decision. This pattern of harassment and punishment for expressing beliefs is familiar to Americans as well.

The goal of these aggressive prosecutions is to silence and cudgel into conformity anyone who disagrees with the prevailing dogma. The implicit deal being offered is to censor oneself or face fines or jail time. The Bible is on trial, and the consequences of this trial will reverberate throughout the world. It is time to join in prayer for Räsänen and Pohjola, as the Gospel of Christ is at stake.

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