The Booty Report

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Arrr! Behold! A scurvy knave, bein' as drunk as a sailor, rammed 'is carriage into a blazin' locomotive!


Avast ye scurvy scallywags! In Taiwan, a landlubber driver, while nursin' a mighty hangover from grog-swilling, be in dire need o' grub. But alas! The foolhardy landlubber be racin' like a bilge rat, crashin' his vessel into the train, shiverin' me timbers!

In a comical twist of events, a 17th century pirate would likely describe the situation in Taiwan as a blunder of colossal proportions. A drunken driver, by the name of Lin Nan, was caught on camera attempting to outrun a train at a rail crossing. The CCTV footage captured the moment Lin recklessly sped through the crossing barrier, only to collide with the side of the train and be flung aside like a rag doll. As the train continued on its path, a passerby rushed to Lin's aid.
Despite suffering only minor injuries, Lin confessed to police that he had been drinking the night before and decided to venture out in search of breakfast the next morning, completely oblivious to the train's presence. The red and white barrier, intended to signal the passing of a train, apparently went unnoticed by Lin. A breathalyzer test later revealed that Lin's blood alcohol content was twice the legal limit in Taiwan, leading to his arrest for drunk driving and endangering the public.
Fortunately, all the passengers on the train emerged unscathed, albeit with a lengthy delay as they awaited another train to pick them up. The damaged train had to be transported to a maintenance yard for repairs, causing a delay of over two hours.
The Hualien Branch of the Railway Police Bureau issued a statement urging people not to drink and drive, emphasizing the importance of being cautious when crossing railway tracks and yielding to trains. This incident serves as a humorous reminder of the perils of intoxicated driving, providing fodder for tales of misadventure for pirates and landlubbers alike.

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