The Booty Report

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Arr, Japan be settin' sail to release water from thar Fukushima nuclear hideout. Shiver me timbers!


Arrr, despite the landlubbers' squabble, this here country be set to unleash a grand discharge at Fukushima! Aye, mateys, this mighty wave be sailin' its way, growin' to over a million tons!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up, for I have some news that be makin' me chuckle like a jolly pirate. It seems our land lubber friends in a place called Fukushima be plannin' to release a mighty amount of water into the seas. Now, this ain't just any water, lads and lasses, but water that be contaminated, tainted, and mixed with all sorts o' nasty things!

Ye see, there be some folks who be raisin' objections to this plan, sayin' it be dangerous and harmful to the environment. But do those landlubbers listen? Nay, me hearties! They be pushin' ahead like they be sailin' the seven seas without a care in the world.

They be sayin' this discharge be necessary to solve the problem they be havin' at Fukushima. But I be wonderin', me maties, why can't they come up with a better solution? Ain't there enough brains on land to figure out somethin' else? Or be they too busy countin' their pieces of eight?

Now, this discharge be no small matter, me hearties. It be reachin' more than a million tons! Can ye imagine that? That be enough water to fill a ship many times over! And to think, they be lettin' it flow into our precious seas, puttin' all sorts o' creatures at risk.

But fear not, me hearties, for I be thinkin' we pirates be safe from this mess. We be sailin' the open waters, far away from Fukushima's reach. So, let us raise our mugs and drink to the foolishness of these landlubbers. May their discharge be a lesson for 'em to think twice before messin' with our beautiful seas!

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