The Booty Report

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Arr! The Coast Guard hath saved a poor soul marooned on a Bahama isle fer three days, his vessel bein' kaput!


Avast ye! A scurvy dog, marooned on an isle in the Caribbean, be saved by the U.S. Coast Guard after three long days. Arrr, an adventure fit for a tale, methinks!

A man stranded on Cay Sal Island in the Bahamas was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard after his sailboat broke down. The Coast Guard Cutter Paul Clark spotted the man firing flares into the sky from his boat. Cay Sal Island is located between Florida, Cuba, and the Bahamas. The Coast Guard crew dropped food, water, and a radio to the stranded man so he could communicate with authorities. The man, described as a 64-year-old Bahamian citizen, was later rescued and taken to a hospital. The Coast Guard praised the successful outcome of the rescue and emphasized the importance of having proper safety equipment on vessels. They stated that without seeing the flare, the rescue may not have been successful. The State Department's attention was drawn to a reported kidnapping case in Haiti involving two U.S. citizens, a nurse, and her daughter, who are still missing. The Coast Guard's efforts to rescue the stranded man highlight their commitment to saving lives and ensuring maritime safety. This incident serves as a reminder for boat owners to be prepared with the necessary safety equipment. The man's identity was not disclosed, but his rescue demonstrates the effectiveness of the Coast Guard's operations in the Caribbean region.

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