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Arrr, 2 scallywags be laid up in the infirmary after a wild bull-running spree in Mexico, leavin' near 20 landlubbers injured.


Avast ye! A pair of scallywags be layin' in the sick bay, grievously hurt, after a frightful bull-chasin' affair in Mexico's heartland. A grand total of 'bout 20 souls met their unfortunate fate, sufferin' various injuries.

Two men are currently hospitalized with serious injuries after a bull-running event in central Mexico over the weekend. The event in the city of Huamantla saw a total of 20 people injured, with most receiving treatment at the scene or seeking it on their own. The government of Tlaxcala state reported that a 31-year-old man was gored in the abdomen, while a 28-year-old suffered a horn wound in his leg. Both individuals are listed in "serious" condition.
In a video of the event, a bull can be seen goring a young man, lifting him into the air, and then tossing him to the ground. The man appears to be unconscious as the bull steps on him. This traditional event attracts thousands of people, many of whom watch from behind metal barriers or atop walls. However, some daredevils venture into the streets to try to catch the attention of the bulls and then run alongside them.
The injuries sustained during bull runs highlight the dangerous nature of these events, which combine tradition, adrenaline, and a touch of insanity. It takes a certain kind of audacity to willingly put oneself in harm's way, but for some, the thrill is worth the risk. However, for those unfortunate individuals who end up in the hospital, it's a sobering reminder that life can change in an instant when facing off against a powerful and unpredictable animal.
While the spectacle of bull runs may provide entertainment and excitement for spectators, it's essential to remember that these events can have serious consequences. The injuries sustained by the two men in Mexico serve as a warning that participating in such activities requires careful consideration and respect for the animals involved. Perhaps it's best to leave the bull-running to the experts or, better yet, enjoy the spectacle from a safe distance behind those trusty metal barriers.

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