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Arr! Israeli cannons be boomin' near Syrian capital, causin' injuries 'n damages, as per scuttlebutt!


Avast ye mateys! 'Tis been heard that them Israeli scallywags be sendin' their cannons to blast near Syria's capital, Damascus! Arr, one brave soldier be injured and they be causin' some mighty fine damage to the booty.

Israeli's military conducted airstrikes near Syria's capital, causing damage and injuring one soldier, according to Syrian state media. The missiles were reportedly fired from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, targeting military positions near Damascus. The attack follows a previous Israeli air assault on Damascus suburbs that resulted in the death of four soldiers. Israel has been actively carrying out strikes on government-controlled areas in Syria as part of its efforts to counter Iranian influence in the region. However, Israel rarely acknowledges these operations. In addition to targeting military positions, Israel has also attacked international airports in Damascus and Aleppo, disrupting their operations. The Israeli government's objective is to prevent Iranian entrenchment in its neighboring country. These airstrikes and military actions have been ongoing for several years, with Israel consistently taking action to prevent the consolidation of Iranian power in Syria. While the exact details of the recent airstrikes remain undisclosed, the incident highlights the ongoing tensions and conflicts in the region, with Israel and Syria engaging in hostilities intermittently.

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