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Avast! Wagner's cap'n Prigozhin be claimin' his band o' mercenaries be makin' Russia mightier, Africa freer! Yo ho ho!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Wagner's cap'n, Yevgeny Prigozhin, didst proclaim on yon Telegram video that his band o' mercenaries be makin' Mother Russia mightier and Africa more liberated, whilst givin' those blasted terrorist scallywags a taste o' the devil's own medicine!

In a humorous 17th century pirate language, it can be said that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the chief of the Russian mercenary force known as the Wagner Group, has posted a video on Telegram claiming that they will make Russia "greater" and Africa "freer." The video was posted from somewhere in Africa, according to Prigozhin. In the video, he states that the Wagner Group is conducting reconnaissance and search activities, making Russia greater on all continents, and Africa even freer. He also mentions bringing justice and happiness to African nations and giving hell to ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other bandits. Prigozhin is seen in the video with an assault rifle and wearing military fatigues, surrounded by others dressed similarly.

This video comes after Prigozhin led a short-lived rebellion against Russian President Vladimir Putin, which posed a serious threat to Putin's rule. Prigozhin, who has long benefited from Putin's patronage, built a private army that fought for Russian interests abroad, including in Ukraine. He is now recruiting fighters to work in Africa and inviting Russian investors to put money into the Central African Republic.

The Central African Republic is one of the countries where Wagner's soldiers-for-hire have been accused of committing human rights abuses. The Kremlin has been using the Wagner Group since 2014 to expand Russia's presence in the Middle East and Africa, viewing Africa as a vital region due to its natural resources. The goal is to displace U.S. and Western influence in Africa and divert attention from supporting Ukraine.

Prigozhin's rebellion was ultimately ended under a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, granting him amnesty and allowing him to relocate to Belarus. Putin initially branded Prigozhin a traitor but later dropped the rebellion charges against him. Prigozhin's current whereabouts are unknown.

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