The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Yarrr! Methinks ol' Joe Biden won't set sail in 2024, Disney be havin' a Bud Light pickle, and Fox News blabberin' on again!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Behold, the freshest tidings from Fox News Opinion columns! Feast yer eyes upon the videos of Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, Laura Ingraham, and a motley crew of other scallywags! 'Tis a veritable treasure trove of information, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the news headlines would go something like this:

"Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tales of the land lubbers on Fox News. First up, we have a scandal involving Hunter Biden and the IRS whistleblowers. They be causin' Special Counsel David Weiss to change his course, me mateys. Watch the video to get all the details.

Next, we have a problem with Disney's plans for a new remake of "Snow White." It seems they be havin' a Bud Light problem, me buckos. Ye can continue readin' to find out what's goin' on.

Arr, can today's students pass a 100-year-old test? Cal Thomas be wonderin' about it, me hearties. Click the link to continue readin' and find out if the scallywags be up to the task.

Avast, me hearties! The pediatricians be ignorin' three words that have guided doctors for millennia when it comes to transgender kids. Read on to see what they be ignorin'.

After the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, there be a way forward for the U.S. military, me mateys. Click the link to continue readin' and learn more.

Arr, it seems President Joe Biden may not be runnin' for reelection in 2024, me buckos. Jason Chaffetz be givin' us five indications of it. Click the link to find out more.

NYC's migrant crisis be 'out of control,' according to Rep. Nicole Malliotakis. Watch the video to see what she be sayin', me hearties.

Think Biden be havin' the liberal media in his pocket? Ye won't believe how closely they be tied together, me mateys. Click the link to continue readin' and be amazed.

If ye be wantin' to live long and prosper, ye better follow these three simple rules, me buckos. Click the link to continue readin' and discover the secrets to a long life.

Avast! Host Laura Ingraham be takin' a deep dive into the left's attempt at arguin' that the Constitution bars Trump from becomin' president again. Watch the video to see what she be sayin', me hearties.

The shopliftin' crisis be a nightmare, me buckos. An ex-NYPD inspector be wantin' ye to know five things about it. Click the link to continue readin' and be informed.

As AI makes gains, the question be who owns yer thoughts and yer soul, me mateys. Carol Roth be ponderin' about it. Click the link to continue readin' and delve into the depths of AI.

It be not all about the money, me hearties. Sage Steele be a winner who beat the ESPN censors and scored a victory for all of us. Click the link to continue readin' and celebrate her triumph.

The Republicans be makin' life difficult for Joe and Hunter Biden, me buckos. Watch the video to see what Joe Concha be sayin'.

The media and the rich men north of Richmond can't understand the poor life many of us be livin'. Click the link to continue readin' and see why they be so clueless.

Last but not least, we have the cartoon of the day, me mateys. It be called "No Difference." Check out all of our political cartoons by clickin' the link.

That be all for now, me hearties! Stay tuned for more tales from the land of Fox News."

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