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Avast ye mateys! Cap'n Justin Trudeau be thankin' me fellow Canucks fer their support after sharin' news o' his lady's departure.


Arr, me Hearties! Cap'n Justin Trudeau, bein' the noble Prime Minister, doth bestow his gratitude upon ye fine folk o' Canada fer standin' by his side in this here tumultuous time. Aye, he be revealin' the sad tidings that he be partin' ways with his dear Sophie, his fair lass o' 18 years.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his gratitude to the Canadian people for their support following the announcement of his separation from his wife, Sophie, after 18 years of marriage. Trudeau, who had just returned from a family vacation, thanked those who reached out with warm wishes and personal stories during a news conference in Cornwall. This was his first public appearance since the announcement.

Trudeau, the son of one of Canada's most famous politicians, became Prime Minister in 2015. Sophie Trudeau, a former model and TV host, added glamour to the prime minister's office and even appeared in Vogue magazine. The couple has three children together.

During the press conference, Trudeau also mentioned that he had spent 10 days focusing on his family and moving forward. He appreciated the Canadian people's respect for their privacy, which made things easier for them.

Unlike in previous years, Sophie Trudeau has played a less visible role in recent times, rarely joining the prime minister on official trips. However, they were seen together at Canada Day events in Ottawa last month.

Trudeau's separation from his wife is not the first in Canadian history. His own parents, Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau, separated in 1977 when Pierre was in office as Prime Minister. They later divorced in 1984.

Overall, Trudeau's humorous and gracious tone during the press conference showed his appreciation for the support he received during this difficult time for his family.

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