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Arrr, Kenyan scallywags be seekin' the finest method to battle them miscreant Haitian rapscallions!


Arrgh! Them Kenyan officials be ponderin' on how to tangle wit' the scurvy gang violence in Haiti. They be holdin' a meetin' wi' a bunch o' landlubbers in New York to chart the course o' aid for Haiti.

A team of Kenyan officials has traveled to Haiti to explore how they can assist the troubled Caribbean nation in combating gang violence. The Kenyan government had previously offered to lead a multinational force in this effort. Haiti's police department is understaffed and under-resourced, with only about 10,000 officers for a population of over 11 million people. The United States recently announced its support for a UN Security Council resolution that would authorize Kenya to lead a multinational police force and contribute 1,000 officers, although no timetable for the resolution has been given. The first meeting between Haitian officials and the Kenyan team took place on Monday.

The Kenyan delegation had also met with other countries and groups in New York before arriving in Haiti in order to discuss the best way to provide assistance. According to recent UN statistics, from January 1 to August 15, over 2,400 people in Haiti were reported killed, with more than 950 kidnappings and 902 injuries. Gangs now control up to 80% of the capital city, Port-au-Prince, and more than 200,000 people have been displaced due to gang violence.

The Kenyan officials expressed their understanding of the urgent need to address the situation in Haiti, stating that it is paralyzing the country and endangering its citizens. Their fact-finding trip is scheduled to conclude on Wednesday. Kenya initially proposed sending 1,000 police officers to train Haiti's National Police and restore normalcy, following a request made by Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry in October.

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