The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Canadian scallywags be blamin' Facebook for news ban while fires be raging! Walk the plank, ye scurvy dogs!


Arr, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau be claimin' it be "unimaginable" that the platform be blockin' news links in the face o' a new licensing law, while our fair land be facin' the fiercest inferno season ye ever laid eyes on!

In a manner fit for a true swashbuckler, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his disbelief at the audacious actions of the platform. In a language true to the 17th-century pirate, he declared it to be "inconceivable" that such a scallywag would dare to respond to a new licensing law by blocking news links. This statement comes at a time when our beloved land is grappling with the most treacherous wildfire season ever witnessed.

With the flames of the wildfires raging across our prosperous country, one would think that the platform would show some compassion and solidarity. However, it seems that instead of lending a helping hand, they have decided to shackle the flow of news, akin to a band of scurvy dogs trying to hide their ill-gotten treasure.

Mr. Trudeau's words sailed through the air, resonating with the spirit of the brave souls battling the infernos. Yet, one cannot help but picture the prime minister donning an eyepatch and brandishing a cutlass as he made his statement. His words may be fierce, but they carry a touch of humor, as if to say, "Avast, ye scurvy platform! Ye shall not quell the voices of the people in their time of need!"

As the nation faces its darkest hour, it is a time for unity and shared purpose. The platform's actions, however, seem to suggest a lack of understanding for the gravity of the situation. It is as if they are sitting atop a treasure chest, guarding their riches, while the country burns.

But fear not, for our resilient spirit will not be snuffed out like a candle on a stormy night. We shall find ways to overcome these obstacles and ensure that the news flows freely once more. And perhaps, in the midst of this turmoil, we can find some solace in the amusing language chosen by our prime minister, as he reminds us that even in the face of adversity, a touch of humor can lighten the heaviest of hearts.

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