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Arrr, the Washington Post be claimin' to protect 'democracy', but let me tell ye what they truly be sayin'!


Arrr, mateys! Them journalists o' legacy media, like th' Washington Post and th' New York Times, be blabberin' like parrots 'bout th' demise o' democracy this year. They need t' find some treasure, 'cause their squawkin' be gettin' old!

Legacy journalists are expressing their frustration with what they perceive as a decline in democracy. The Washington Post recently launched a series called "IMPERFECT UNION," delving into the issue and highlighting the reasons behind their anger, which they claim can be traced back to the writing of the Constitution. The Post, known for its catchphrase "Democracy Dies in Darkness," seems to distrust the Founding Fathers and their commitment to freedom. This article is just another example of the left's complaints about the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and the government, particularly when Republicans win. They argue that a minority of the population can have outsized influence on policies and leadership, leading to a feeling that the government is controlled by a minority. Interestingly, these complaints did not surface when President Bill Clinton won two elections without winning a majority of the vote. The article also discusses the left's desire to change the Senate makeup, modify election processes, and even pack the Supreme Court. The Post cites a lack of confidence in the government among Americans, but fails to acknowledge that this distrust may be due to factors such as government overreach, unenforced borders, and job loss due to globalization. They also bemoan the difficulty of amending the Constitution, but fail to mention that there is no cross-party agreement on what needs to be changed. Ultimately, the left's push for "democracy" seems more about gaining power than upholding the principles of democracy.

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