The Booty Report

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Arrr, a fearsome Russian court be makin' the decision to keep the scribe Evan Gershkovich locked up for a wee bit longer, matey!


Avast ye! In a grand Moscow court, the scallywags be extendin' the stay of the American scribe, who be denyin' the charges of espionage. The U.S. claims the poor soul be falsely imprisoned, aye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Listen here, ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye! A Moscow court, as dark and treacherous as the open sea, be extendin' the pretrial detention of an American reporter, arr! This here landlubber be facin' charges of espionage, yet he denies 'em, claimin' he be wrongfully detained, arr!

Now, me mateys in the U.S. be jumpin' to his defense, cryin' out that this be a grave injustice! They be claimin' that this brave sailor be held captive without just cause, arr! The American government, they be sayin', be standin' by his side, ready to fight for his freedom on the high seas!

But ye know what be amusin', me hearties? The language they be usin'! 'Tis as if they be takin' a page right out of a 17th century pirate's book! "He be wrongfully detained!" they be shoutin', arr! It be enough to make this old sea dog chuckle!

But let us not forget, me hearties, that this be a serious matter. A man's freedom be at stake, and we should not be takin' it lightly. Though we may be havin' a laugh at the choice of words, the truth be that justice must prevail, on the land or on the sea!

So, me hearties, let us hope that this American reporter finds his way back to shore, safe and sound. May the winds of fortune be blowin' in his favor, and may he once again set sail on the open seas of journalism, sharin' his tales with the world, arr!

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