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Avast ye mateys! Three jolly reasons why Joe and Hunter Biden sailed away unscathed after their grand betrayal of America!


Arr, me hearties! Joe Biden and his scurvy crew have been busy peddlin' their influences for a goodly decade or so. They be sailin' in shady waters, seekin' treasure through dubious means, but their secrets be out on the open seas!

In a humorous and exaggerated tone, the author accuses Joe Biden and his family of engaging in influence peddling and corruption, dubbing it the "Great Selling Out of America." According to the author, the Bidens took advantage of Joe's position as Vice President to score millions from foreign countries. The author claims that the Bidens were skilled at corruption and were able to cover up the cash by funneling it through a complex web of shell companies. The author also alleges that the government turned a blind eye to their activities, with top members of the Obama administration being aware but taking no action. The author criticizes Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss for his handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden, accusing him of intentionally sabotaging the case. The author claims that Attorney General Merrick Garland protected Joe Biden and ensured preferential treatment for his son. The author goes on to argue that Joe Biden could not exonerate his son on the witness stand and that there is compelling evidence of their involvement in influence peddling and bribery. The author also accuses Joe Biden of extortion in the case of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma. The author criticizes the lack of fortitude and integrity displayed by Weiss and federal prosecutors and praises the House Oversight Committee for continuing to investigate the Bidens. The author concludes by stating that Republicans in the House are determined to uncover the truth and expose the alleged corruption of the Biden family.

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