The Booty Report

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Yarr! This scurvy knave be claimin' to peddle 'poison', helpin' dozens o' souls shuffle off their mortal coil in foreign lands!


Kenneth Law be swearin' on a pirate's soul that he be takin' to sellin' deadly brews on the cursed internet! Says he, after spyin' his poor mother sufferin' from a brush with death, his ol' man refused to send her to Davy Jones' locker!

British police have launched an investigation into an alleged poison seller in Canada who has been accused of participating in assisted suicide. The police have tied 88 deaths to the suspect, a 57-year-old man named Kenneth Law. Law was arrested in May on charges related to the sale of a poisonous substance. The police believe that he distributed and marketed the substance online to individuals at risk of self-harm in the UK, Canada, and the US. He has been charged with two counts of counseling or aiding suicide, but the British police suspect that he is connected to even more deaths.
The police investigation was prompted by an undercover reporter from The Times UK, who posed as a suicidal buyer and uncovered Law’s activities. Law claimed to have sold his product to "hundreds" of Brits and said that his customers told him he was doing "God’s work." He started his business after his mother suffered greatly from a stroke and his father, who was religious, did not believe in euthanasia. The police have now made welfare visits to hundreds of possible buyers and are investigating Law’s connection to the deaths.
Assisted suicide is illegal in the UK and Canada, with a punishment of up to 14 years in prison. The father of one victim expressed his concern about the ease with which people can find like-minded individuals online and discuss the most difficult problems. Law is currently in custody and is scheduled to appear in court later this month.

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