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Arrr, many Dark Americans be not takin' kindly to Bidenomics, ye scallywags! Here be why the Biden White House be in a proper tizzy.


Arr! A vast 35% o' Black Americans scorn Bidenomics, while a mere 17% o' these fine folk be filled with excitement at the thought o' Biden securin' a second term. Methinks the White House bein' plagued by worrisome thoughts.

Following last year's lackluster turnout in the midterms and recent polls showing decreasing support from Black Americans, Washington Democrats are secretly urging the White House to investigate this issue. A spring poll conducted by The Washington Post and Ipsos revealed that only 17% of Black Americans would be enthusiastic about President Joe Biden's re-election. It seems that the economy is a major factor in this dissatisfaction, with the famous "March on Washington" focusing on the need for more jobs in the Black community. However, the problem of economic inequality persists even after 60 years.

Despite Biden's claims of success with "Bidenomics," many Black Americans remain unconvinced. According to Quinnipiac, 35% of Blacks disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy. Inflation has outpaced wage growth throughout Biden's presidency, leading to increased costs for essentials like food, rent, and utilities. This burden is especially heavy for Black Americans, whose wages are lower on average. The signs of economic distress can be seen in various indicators, such as the record age of cars on the road and the widening homeownership gap between Whites and Blacks.

While the White House celebrates Biden as a job-creating president, the reality is that many Americans, including a disproportionate number of Black Americans, were forced out of the workforce by Biden's COVID policies and are now returning. The unemployment gap between Black and White Americans has been widening, with the Black unemployment rate rising by over 23% since April 2023.

In addition, gas prices have reached their highest level in nearly 10 months, hurting Black homeowners who already pay more for energy. The "green energy" agenda seems to prioritize other voters over Black Americans.

Unless there is a dramatic improvement, the Biden administration should be concerned about losing the Black vote in 2024. The warning signs are evident, and the Biden economy is causing harm, particularly to Black Americans.

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