The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast! In this film, ye won't be troubled by their phones. But their scurvy barking might!


Arrr, me hearties! Listen ye well! In Britain, a grand cinema chain be openin' its doors to dogs! Aye, ye heard it right, me mateys! These fine mutts don't be needin' no tickets, nor be they bound by the curse of turnin' off their cellphones! Ahoy, a jolly good time be had by all!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of the high seas! There be a cinema chain in Britain, and ye won't believe what they be doin' - they be welcoming dogs to select screenings, mateys! Aye, ye heard it right, our furry companions be allowed to join us on our cinematic adventures. And here be the best part, me buckos: they don't need their own tickets! No need to plunder me treasure for an extra gold doubloon, for our four-legged shipmates sail in fer free!

Now, mind ye, these sea dogs don't need to be switchin' off their cellphones neither. They be having no use for such fancy gadgets, for they be fully engrossed in the swashbucklin' stories unfoldin' on the silver screen. No need to worry about a barkin' phone interruptin' the excitin' tales of pirates and treasures buried deep!

Picture this, me hearties: a theater packed with pirates and their loyal pooches. The salty sea dogs waggin' their tails, sniffin' out the buttery scent of popcorn fillin' the air. The sound of laughter and barks mixin' as we all enjoy the comedic adventures unfoldin' before us. It be a sight to behold, aye!

But be warned, me mateys, this be no walk in the park. There be rules, like any proper ship. No barkin' at the screen or causin' mischief, or ye be walkin' the plank. And remember, it be only select screenings, so ye best be checkin' the schedule before settin' sail to the cinema. Arr, but what a jolly good time it be, sharin' the joy of movies with our loyal companions. This be a new era, me hearties, where dogs and pirates unite for a swashbucklin' good time at the movies!

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