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Arrr, Pope Francis be encouragin' young Russian scallywags to be crafty in makin' peace, mateys!


Avast ye scurvy scallywags! The Pope be imploring ye young'uns to be crafty swashbucklers of peace and scatterers of seeds of harmony at the grand 10th National Meeting of Catholic Youth of Russia, arr!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th century pirate, the article discusses Pope Francis urging Russian youth to become "sowers of seeds of reconciliation" amidst Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The pontiff delivered his remarks remotely for hundreds of children in St. Petersburg for the 10th National Meeting of Catholic Youth of Russia. He encouraged the young Russians to be "artisans of peace" and to sow seeds of reconciliation, despite the conflicts and polarizations that plague the world. The Pope acknowledged that these small seeds may not sprout in the frozen ground of the current war, but he hoped they would blossom in a future spring.

The event, which began on August 23rd and is being held in St. Catherine's Basilica, brings together Catholic children from across Russia. This year's theme is based on the Gospel of Luke, where Mary and her elderly cousin Elizabeth, both miraculously pregnant, meet. The Pope emphasized the mutual edification between the young and old, with elders dreaming of democracy and unity, while young people are called to be artisans of the environment and peace.

The Catholic Church in Russia and abroad has been actively opposed to the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, providing humanitarian aid and urging for immediate peace. Pope Francis has consistently tried to mediate and facilitate peace between Russia and Ukraine since the invasion began last year. He has met with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Vatican City, worked with the Ukrainian government to care for displaced children, and hosted discussions with Russian Orthodox church leaders. The Pope ended his remarks by encouraging the young Russians to replace fears with dreams and to allow themselves the luxury of dreaming big.

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