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Arr, 'tis settled! The test o' DNA be provin' that scallywag Yevgeny Prigozhin was aboard th' wrecked ship, says Russia.


Avast, me hearties! Tis been confirmed by DNA sorcery that the notorious scallywag Wagner, aka Yevgeny Prigozhin, was indeed found amongst the wreckage of the doomed vessel that met its watery grave near Moscow. Arrr, Russia has spoken!

Russian investigators have confirmed through DNA testing that Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin was on board the small jet that crashed near Moscow last week. The investigation committee in Russia stated that the identities of all 10 people on the plane, including Prigozhin and his second in command Dmitry Utkin, have been established. However, no explanation has been given for the cause of the crash.
The crash occurred in the Tver region outside Moscow, and witnesses reported hearing an explosion before the plane came down. Prigozhin, who led the Wagner mercenary group, had recently led an insurrection against President Vladimir Putin's regime. He was reportedly angry at how his forces were being used and ordered a march on Moscow. However, this march was later aborted after a deal was made with Putin's regime, which required Prigozhin to remain in exile in Belarus.
US officials believe that Prigozhin was on the aircraft, but there is no evidence of a missile strike. The Pentagon stated that they would not comment on whether Prigozhin's death was a deliberate assassination. Prigozhin had been openly critical of Russian military leaders during the country's war against Ukraine, which garnered attention as videos of his criticisms went viral.
The investigation into the crash is ongoing, and further information is yet to be released. Prigozhin's death marks the end of a tumultuous chapter in Russian politics and military operations.

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