The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Binge these fine flicks 'afore they vanish from the Netflix shores come September, arrr!


Avast ye mateys! The scurvy dogs of the States be sufferin' great losses this moon, as some of the most beloved tales and scoundrels to ever grace a screen be walkin' the plank. Arrr, a sad tale it be!

"Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! This month be a sad one for our mateys from across the great ocean! The losses be as deep as the darkest depths of Davy Jones' locker! Some of the most cherished treasures be snatched away, leavin' our landlubbers in despair!"

First and foremost, our beloved subscribers have been robbed of their favorite titles. The likes of "Friends," the show that brought laughter to our hearts, be walkin' the plank! No more gatherin' 'round the telly with Chandler, Rachel, and the gang. 'Tis a tragedy, I tell ye!

But wait, there be more! The mighty Marvel heroes have also been forced to walk the plank, never to be seen again. Captain America, Iron Man, and even the mighty Thor, banished from our screens! 'Tis a blow to the very core of any true pirate's heart.

And let us not forget the fairytale land of Disney! Oh, the agony! The enchanting tales of "Cinderella," "The Little Mermaid," and "Beauty and the Beast" be taken away, leaving us landlubbers with no magical escapades to dream upon. 'Tis like being marooned on a desert island!

But fear not, me hearties! There be hope on the horizon! The winds of change be blowin', and new treasures await us! Aye, 'tis true! For every treasure lost, another shall take its place. There be new adventures to be had, new laughter to be shared!

So wipe away those salty tears, my fellow pirates! Embrace the unknown, for there be more treasures yet to discover. And remember, even in the face of loss, a hearty "Yo ho ho!" can lift the spirits and bring joy to even the weariest of souls!

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