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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The US military be cryin' out, beggin' ye to stop yer brawls in eastern Syria 'fore those cursed ISIS rats be makin' a comeback!


Arr! The scallywags of the United States military be raisin' the black flag, orderin' the quarrels betwixt them rival U.S.-backed factions in Syria to cease! They claim such ruckus may bring back them pesky Islamic State scurvy dogs.

In a rather colorful language resembling that of a 17th-century pirate, the United States military has called for an end to the ongoing fighting between rival U.S.-backed groups in east Syria. Arr, mateys! The military be warnin' that this here conflict may give the Islamic State group a chance to rise again. Blimey!
The fighting that broke out on Monday in the oil-rich province of Deir el-Zour be the worst in years, claimin' the lives of at least 40 people and leavin' dozens wounded. This be an area where U.S. troops have been stationed since 2015 to fight against those scurvy IS militants. Avast!
The conflict set the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces against their former mates, the Arab-led Deir el-Zour Military Council, along with some Arab tribesmen who be supportin' them. Yarrr!
The Combined Joint Task Force, known as Operation Inherent Resolve, be keepin' a close eye on the situation and be committed to defeatin' those rapscallions of Daesh, as they be callin' the Islamic State group. Aye!
Reports be sayin' that sporadic clashes be continuin' in various parts of the area, and both sides be bringin' in reinforcements. Shiver me timbers!
Now, my hearties, it be important to note that the SDF and the council have relieved their commander, Abu Khawla, of his duties, along with four other leaders. They be claimin' that these rascals be involved in crimes and violations, includin' drug trafficking. The dismissal be due to Khawla's alleged cooperation with the Syrian government and its allies. Yo ho ho!
These clashes have raised concerns of further divisions among the SDF and its allies, which be a worry as we be tryin' to keep those scallywags of IS at bay. The U.S. military be sayin' that this violence needs to stop, and everyone needs to focus on bringin' peace and stability to northeast Syria. Arr!
Currently, there be at least 900 U.S. forces in east Syria, along with a bunch of contractors. They be workin' with the SDF to keep those bilge rats of IS from comin' back. Avast, me hearties!

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