The Booty Report

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Arrr! Me eyes hath beheld a sight in Taiwan that be the secret to thwarting a Chinese onslaught!


Arrr, me hearties! I be back from Taiwan, where I had a jolly good time chattin' with President Tsai Ing-wen, her swashbucklin' crew, and many a fine ministry. We shared tales of the high seas, we did!

I recently returned from Taiwan, where I had the opportunity to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen and various officials. I wanted to see what had changed since my last visit, which was before Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit that sparked tensions between Taipei, Washington, and Beijing.

Last year, I believed that Taiwan needed to improve its defenses to deter Chinese President Xi Jinping from attacking. I recommended increasing the defense budget, adopting an asymmetric warfare strategy, and acquiring the right arms. However, in the past year, there have been constant threats from China, espionage revelations, and military moves against allies in the region.

Despite these challenges, progress has been made in Taiwan. President Tsai extended conscription, increased defense spending, and initiated stockpiling critical items. The military is also developing a defense strategy. Polling indicates that these moves are supported by large majorities.

It is encouraging to see the growing willingness of Taiwanese citizens to fight for their country. This whole-of-society approach is crucial in deterring a Chinese invasion. However, more urgency is needed in both Taipei and Washington. Taiwan's defense spending should be higher, stockpiling expanded, and training reforms accelerated. The U.S. should prioritize arms deliveries to Taiwan and use programs like the Defense Production Act and Excess Defense Articles to support their defense capabilities.

Additionally, multilateral efforts should be made to rally the world in defense of Taiwan. Joint transits, enhanced patrols, and multilateral exercises would push back against Beijing's attempts to establish new norms. Non-military actions like a free trade agreement and eliminating double taxation would strengthen economic ties.

It is unfortunate that great power competition has escalated into a hot war in Europe and a cold one in Asia. Ukraine is now the front line, and we must help them win. We must also ensure that Taiwan does not become the next front. Our national security and economic prosperity are at stake.

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