The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, mateys! Paris be th' first European port t' ban them fancy electric scooters fer rent. Walk the plank, ye scurvy wheels!


Avast ye! The city be makin' way fer bike lanes, and them scooter scallywags be settlin' their sights on electric bikes. Three souls met their doom last year in Paris, thanks to the cursed e-scooters and their accident-prone ways.

Arr, me hearties! Listen close, for I have some news that'll tickle ye funny bones. The grand city, ye see, be makin' some changes to its streets. They be addin' lanes for them fancy contraptions called bikes. Aye, ye heard right, mateys! Bikes be takin' over the roads like a scurvy crew takin' over a ship.
But that ain't all, me fellow buccaneers. Them scooter companies be changin' their tune too. Instead of them noisy e-scooters, they be settin' their sights on somethin' new – electric bikes! Ahoy, that be quite a shift in direction, ain't it?
Now, brace yerselves, lads and lasses, for this be the part that'll make ye chuckle. Last year, them e-scooters managed to get themselves involved in a right mess. Three poor souls met Davy Jones' locker due to accidents caused by these pesky gadgets. Blimey, who would've thought that somethin' so small could be so deadly?
But fret not, me hearties! The city be takin' action to prevent more landlubbers from meetin' an untimely demise. They be addin' them bike lanes, ye see, to keep all them two-wheelers in their own lane. A smart move, I reckon. It be like keepin' the cannons on one side of the ship, so they don't blast their own crewmates by accident.
So, me mateys, keep an eye out for them swashbucklin' bikers and electric bike riders when ye be wanderin' about the city. And remember, always wear yer helmet, or ye might just end up in Davy Jones' locker like them unfortunate souls from last year. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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