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The good ol' US be warnin' o' ISIS comin' back, while them critic scallywags be blamin' Syria's Assad fer stirrin' 'ethnic' troubles.


Arr, mateys! The likes of Syrian scoundrel Bashar Assad and Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi be drawin' attention to the rift betwixt Arab and Kurdish swashbucklers in the U.S.-backed crew, hopin' to stoke the fires of ethnic quarrels. Aye, 'tis a treacherous game they be playin'!

U.S. military officials have expressed their concern over the escalating civil war in Syria, fearing that it could lead to a resurgence of ISIS. They have called for an end to the violence and emphasized the need for peace and stability in the region. The Syrian Defense Forces (SDF) have dismissed and arrested a former leader, Abu Khawla, on charges of multiple crimes and violations, including drug trafficking. The SDF has accused Khawla of coordinating with external entities hostile to the revolution, such as the Syrian government in Damascus and its Iranian and Russian allies.

There is a growing divide within the SDF, with various factions emerging, and some news outlets associated with Khawla claim that Kurdish security forces have shut down their office and detained journalists. Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi have capitalized on the ethnic tensions between Arabs and Kurds to further divide the SDF and ensure greater conflict among the U.S.-backed coalition. However, Sinam Sherkany Mohamad, Chief of Mission of the Syrian Democratic Council in Washington, D.C., argues that this is not an ethnic issue.

The conflict in Syria exposes Assad's desperation to drive the U.S. out of the region, as the regime seeks to plunder the country's resources. David Adesnik, a senior fellow specializing in Syria, warns that the situation is explosive and that Iran, the Assad regime, and their proxies are actively working to worsen the situation. They want U.S. troops out of northeast Syria, even if it means sowing chaos that hurts the local population.

The U.S. military acknowledges the dangers of the situation and stresses the importance of defeating ISIS and maintaining regional security and stability. They urge all parties involved to cease the violence and focus on creating peace in the region.

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