The Booty Report

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Beware, me hearties! Canada be warning all ye L.G.B.T.Q. souls to tread with caution when venturing into the treacherous lands of the U.S.


Arrr, me hearties! Be ye voyagers settin' sail fer the U.S.? Heed this counsel: "Verily, ensure ye survey the laws of each state and town!" Tis a cautionary tale o' rules this year, limitin' transgender care, drag shows, 'n sports involvement. Savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather round and listen up, for I have some tales of the land known as the United States, and the curious laws that befall those who set foot upon its shores.

Now, it seems that the powers that be have issued a warning to all ye adventurers who dare to venture to the Land of Freedom. They say, "Avast, ye scallywags! Before ye set sail, make sure ye be checkin' them state and local laws, savvy?"

What be the reason behind this curious advice, ye ask? Well, it seems that the locals in these parts have been makin' some rather peculiar rules. Rules that be restrictin' the care for those on the transgender journey, mind ye. Now, I ain't one to judge, but it seems a bit odd that they be meddlin' in matters of the heart and body.

But wait, me hearties, there be more! They be puttin' restrictions on drag shows as well! Aye, ye heard me right. No longer can ye don ye finest frock and entertain the masses with a bit o' lip-syncin' and twirlin'. The locals be sayin' it ain't proper entertainment, but I say, let people enjoy what they fancy, be it a bit of drag or some other shenanigans!

And if that ain't enough, they be tamperin' with the sacred art of sport! They be restrictin' those who be transgender from participatin' in certain sports, claimin' it be unfair. Now, I must admit, the thought of a burly pirate lass beatin' me at a sword fight does give me pause, but who am I to deny someone their chance at glory?

So, me hearties, if ye be set on explorin' the land of the free, heed this advice: check them laws, for ye never know what strange and bafflin' rules ye may encounter. Fair winds, me mateys, and may ye navigate these treacherous waters with wit and humor!

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