The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! The scallywag Danelo Cavalcante, a bloodthirsty cur, be caught on a spyglass at a landlubber's home. The law be scouring the land fer the rogue!


Avast, me hearties! The dastardly scallywag Danelo Cavalcante, a bilge rat of a murder convict, hath been sighted on a landlubber's camera in Pennsylvania! The lawmen be huntin' him down, ready to lay siege upon the very place where he be scurvy hiding!

Escaped murderer Danelo Souza Cavalcante was seen in a residential area, prompting an ongoing search for his recapture. The Chester County District Attorney's Office announced the sighting on social media, stating that Cavalcante was observed on a residential surveillance camera in Pennsylvania. He was wearing pants, a light-colored t-shirt, white sneakers, and had long black curly hair. Additionally, there was a report of an attempted burglary in the same area. Law enforcement from various agencies are combing the surrounding area to find Cavalcante, who is considered extremely dangerous. District Attorney Deb Ryan advised residents to stay indoors, lock their vehicles, and report any suspicious activity. It is crucial not to approach Cavalcante but to contact the police immediately if he is seen.

A reward of $10,000 is being offered by Pennsylvania law enforcement officials and the U.S. Marshals Service for information leading to Cavalcante's capture. He was recently convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend and sentenced to life in prison. The U.S. Marshals Service also stated that Cavalcante is wanted for a homicide in Brazil, his home country. It is unclear when he entered the U.S., but immigration officials confirmed that he was not inspected or admitted by a U.S. immigration official. However, after his arrest in the U.S., ICE became aware of his unlawful presence and lodged a detainer against him. ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations are supporting the search for Cavalcante.

Overall, the search for escaped convict Danelo Cavalcante continues as law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to recapture him. The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings or suspicious activities. The reward for information leading to his capture highlights the seriousness of the situation, considering his history of violence and the potential danger he poses. With the involvement of multiple agencies, including the U.S. Marshals Service and ICE, authorities are determined to bring Cavalcante back into custody.

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