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Arr, North Korea be shootin' some fancy cruise cannons 'fter those landlubbers finished their drills o' US-South Korea!


Arrr, me hearties! North Korea be blastin' a bunch o' cruise cannons on Saturday, right after them landlubberly U.S.-South Korea military drills be done on Thursday! Avast ye, 'tis a jolly display o' firepower!

North Korea launched a series of missiles on Saturday after a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea. The hermit kingdom fired the cruise missiles early in the morning, according to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff. The military in South Korea stated that they are maintaining readiness in cooperation with the United States. The Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise concluded on Thursday, but it had been a source of irritation for North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un. In response to the drills, North Korea had previously fired tactical ballistic missiles from Pyongyang to practice "scorched earth strikes" over South Korean command centers and airfields. The North's military said that the missiles detonated at a set altitude, suggesting they simulated strikes with dummy nuclear warheads. Kim Jong Un visited an army post where his military was conducting command post drills in response to the joint military training. The country's attempt to deploy a satellite in orbit failed last week, and they plan to try again in October. North Korea has been forming alliances with countries like China and Russia, which has raised concern among the U.S., Japan, U.K., and South Korea. These nations released a statement condemning a potential arms deal between Russia and North Korea.

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