The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, the tale be of a map o' L.A.'s Council, leadin' to a grand political rumble!


Arr, ye see, there be a grand display of shameful political cheating happenin' in cities across the land, where many a scallywag Democrat be in charge. Take Los Angeles, mateys, where a ruckus over a vile recorded message be but the tiny tip of a monstrous iceberg!

Arrr, me mateys! Let me spin ye a tale 'bout the treacherous waters o' political gerrymandering that be plaguing our fair cities. 'Tis a practice that be runnin' rampant, me hearties, and many o' these scurvy acts bein' committed by them Democrats, arrr!

Now, let's set our sights on the grand city o' Los Angeles, where a scandal be brewin' like a storm on the horizon. 'Twas a recording, me lads, a recording that revealed the true colors o' these scallywags. 'Twas a racist recording, ye see, and it be only the tip o' the iceberg, aye!

But what be this gerrymandering, ye may ask? Well, let me tell ye, me hearties. 'Tis a mischievous practice where them politicians be manipulatin' the boundaries o' electoral districts to gain an unfair advantage. 'Tis like chartin' a treacherous course on a map, alterin' it to suit their own wicked aims!

These Democrats, they be twistin' and turnin' the lines o' our fair cities, like a snake in the grass. They be carvin' up districts to ensure they have the upper hand come election time. 'Tis a foul play, me lads, a foul play indeed!

But fear not, me hearties, for we be seein' through their tricks. We be standin' tall and callin' 'em out on their deceitful ways. 'Tis a fight we be takin' to the high seas, with our voices as our weapons!

So, me mateys, keep a keen eye on these politicians and their dastardly gerrymandering. 'Tis a battle we must fight, fer the fair winds of democracy to blow true!

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