The Booty Report

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Arr, matey! At the Venice Film Festival, David Fincher be wantin' Michael Fassbender to look a proper 'dorky' scallywag!


Arrr, ye be watchin' seafarin' tales o' fancy assassins on t' silver screen, mateys. But lo and behold, fer "The Killer," the captain made his lead don a bucket hat: "The costly attire be growin' stale, says I."

Movies, me hearties, be teemin' with fancy assassins, struttin' about lookin' all dapper and debonair. But aye, ye won't be findin' any o' that in "The Killer," mateys! The clever director, he had a grand idea to dress his star in a bucket hat, yarrr! He be sayin', "Aye, that $3,000 suit be worn thin, me hearties!"

Now, ye might be thinkin' to yerself, "A bucket hat? In a movie 'bout killin'?" Aye, it be a strange choice indeed, but a wise one, me mateys! Ye see, this be a tale 'bout a pirate leadin' a life o' crime, and what better way to hide his true intentions than beneath a humble bucket hat? Who would suspect such a fearsome pirate lurkin' beneath that brim?

But that ain't all, me hearties! The director, he be goin' on 'bout how them pricey suits be passé, out o' fashion, if ye will. So, he be takin' a gamble and tossin' 'em out like a sunk ship. Instead, he be embracin' the simplicity o' the bucket hat, the humblest o' headwear. It be a bold move, no doubt!

Now, me hearties, ye may be wonderin', "Will this bucket hat be makin' the pirate more fearsome?" Well, fear not, for the director be a sly one. He be moldin' this pirate into a legend, a man who be strikin' fear into the hearts o' his enemies, all while wearin' a simple hat. It be an unexpected twist, to be sure!

So, me hearties, when ye be settlin' down to watch "The Killer," be prepared for a sight ye won't soon be forgettin'! Aye, ye'll be witnessin' a pirate like no other, a bucket hat-wearin' scallywag, bringin' terror to the seven seas. It be a tale that be provin', once and fer all, that it ain't the clothes that make the pirate, but the swashbucklin' spirit within!

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