The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! I be fleein' Castro's Cuba fer liberty in America, arr! Sixty-one years hence, me kin still be celebratin' our grand entrance!


Me kinfolk sailed 'cross the high seas, escapin' the clutches o' Cuba like true scallywags. Their hearts were smitten by this here land o' the United States. I took up arms in the U.S. military to show me gratitude, arr!

The Sanchez family is celebrating their 61st year in the United States, marking the day they left behind the tyranny of Castro's Socialist Cuba for freedom in America. The patriarch of the family had fled to Spain the year before, and the rest of the family joined him in the US through the Freedom Flights program. Their departure from Cuba was difficult, with constant harassment from the revolutionary army and the closure of Catholic schools. However, their determination to escape the communist regime prevailed.
On September 3, 1962, the family packed a small suitcase and left Cuba, leaving behind their home, family, and friends. They arrived in Miami and were processed at the Freedom Tower before reuniting with their father in New York City. The family was grateful for the opportunity to live in America and never protested against any policies, considering themselves guests in the early years. They worked tirelessly to provide for their children, with the mother working in a factory and the father taking on maintenance jobs.
The Sanchez family never took their freedom for granted and taught their children to cherish it, fight for it, and share it. Their story serves as a reminder of the importance of gratitude and perspective in the face of challenges. They are proud to be citizens of America and look forward to celebrating their special anniversary with gratitude.

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