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Avast ye! Seek thine eyes upon the mark of union affixed to Biden, makin' laborers' lives tough this Labor Day!


Avast ye! Seeketh ye the union flag hoisted alongside Biden, forsooth it be a scurvy dog's trick on this Labor Day! His union mates be yearning to compel workers to join their ranks, thereby gaining mastery o'er their very existence.

Labor Day is a day to celebrate workers, not union bosses. However, Big Labor's supporters will still try to demand more power. Unions today are based on the privilege of compulsion, where employees can be fired for refusing to pay union dues or fees in states without Right to Work laws. This means that workers have no choice but to accept union control over their wages and working conditions. Union officials often use workers' dues to fund political campaigns that protect their privileges, even if these privileges go against the rights and freedoms of the workers they claim to represent.

President Joe Biden, who campaigned as the most pro-union president in American history, is willing to undermine the rights of individual workers to advance union boss power. He supports the PRO Act, which seeks to repeal all state Right to Work laws. However, polls consistently show that workers support the choice they have under Right to Work laws, as it ensures that union financial support is voluntary.

The Biden administration and Big Labor are also working together to make it harder for workers to decertify unions they don't want. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) creates obstacles and allows union officials to block decertification votes with unproven allegations. These tactics can trap workers in unions they oppose indefinitely.

Big Labor has strayed from its traditions of voluntarism and now relies on coercion to protect their privileges. Being pro-worker should include respecting workers' right to reject union membership and dues. Labor Day is about celebrating workers, not union bosses.

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