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Arr! German Cap'n Olaf Scholz be flauntin' a snap with an eye patch after a wee jog mishap, mateys!


Avast ye mateys! Olaf Scholz, the cap'n o' Germany, be sharin' a wee portrait o' himself sportin' an eye patch on Sept. 4, 2023. 'Tis said he be gettin' hurt whilst gallivantin' on a jog. Arrr, even pirates be havin' mishaps!

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took to Twitter in a humorous manner to address his recent jogging accident. He posted a pirate-style picture of himself wearing an eye patch and sporting dark-red bruises on his face. Scholz expressed his excitement to see the memes that would surely arise from the photo. In an attempt to alleviate any concerns about his health, Scholz reassured his followers that the injuries were not as severe as they appeared. He thanked everyone for their well wishes.

The accident occurred over the weekend while Scholz was jogging, resulting in bruises on his face. As a result, he had to cancel some appointments. However, his spokesperson stated that the chancellor was in good spirits despite his injuries. The photo was shared to prepare the public for his appearance in the upcoming weeks.

Scholz's wife, Britta Ernst, played a role in his newfound love for sports. He now tries to make time for jogging, rowing, walking, and cycling multiple times a week. Scholz has been in office since December 2021 and has previously served as Germany's finance and labor minister, as well as the mayor of Hamburg.

Local media reported that the accident took place in Scholz's hometown of Potsdam. The chancellor was expected to attend public events in Berlin later in the day. While the injuries may have caused some disruption to his schedule, Scholz remains determined to fulfill his duties as the German leader.

Overall, Scholz's lighthearted approach to his accident and his willingness to share the photo with the public showcases his sense of humor and transparency.

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