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Arrr! The scurvy dogs from Georgia's majority party be settin' sail on a quest to impeach their president!


Arrr! Avast, me hearties! The Georgian Dream scallywags be plottin' to impeach their own captain, the President! But alas, they be supportin' her in the last election. 'Tis a riddle me timbers situation indeed!

The Georgian Dream party, the majority party in Georgia’s parliament, has launched a campaign to impeach President Salome Zourabichvili. However, the effort is unlikely to succeed. The party accuses Zourabichvili of violating the constitution by traveling to EU countries without government permission and making comments that undermine Georgia's aspirations to join the EU.
The Georgian Dream party, despite endorsing Zourabichvili's election in 2018, has become increasingly at odds with the president. Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili stated that the most disturbing thing Zourabichvili said was that Georgia did not deserve EU candidate status last year, which led to the decision to initiate impeachment. However, the party currently only has 84 seats in the parliament, while impeachment requires the support of 100 out of 150 members.
Zourabichvili has been critical of Georgian Dream's ties to Russia and made a statement protesting the restoration of flights to Russia by vowing not to travel on the state airline. The presidency in Georgia, which has limited powers, is set to transition in 2024 from a directly elected position to one chosen by a college of electors that includes members of parliament.
Overall, the impeachment campaign against President Zourabichvili by the Georgian Dream party seems unlikely to succeed. The party accuses the president of violating the constitution and undermining Georgia's aspirations to join the EU. However, with only 84 seats in the parliament, they would need the support of 100 members for impeachment to be successful. Zourabichvili has also clashed with Georgian Dream over their ties to Russia. The presidency in Georgia has limited powers and is set to undergo a transition in 2024. Despite the campaign, it appears that Zourabichvili will remain in office until then.

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