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Arrr, matey! Biden's years be naught but a mere tally, a troublesome one fer his chances at reelection, aye!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Biden be a landlubber o' a certain age, aye, and that be a mighty trouble fer his reelectin'. Seventy-seven percent o' them polled reckon he be too ancient fer four more years in the captain's seat! Arrr!

In a recent poll, it was found that 77% of Americans believe Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term. This sentiment was shared by 89% of Republicans, 69% of Democrats, and 74% of independents. The Associated Press, while reporting on this poll, criticized voters for their "age discrimination," stating that although it is banned in the workplace, people are not shy about their bias when it comes to the president. Interestingly, about half of U.S. adults also believe that former President Donald Trump, who is 77, is too old for the office. Democrats are more likely than Republicans to disqualify Trump based on his age.

The concern over the age of politicians is not limited to just Biden and Trump. Voters have grown concerned over the performances of 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein and 81-year-old Mitch McConnell. However, despite these concerns, career politicians who run past their prime tend to be reelected. The threat in the general election for both Trump and Biden is a younger candidate running independently, which may give some "age discrimination" voters an alternative.

In response to the poll, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Biden is constantly working and that it is hard for them to keep up with him. However, critics have raised doubts about Biden's energy levels and ability to maintain a robust public presence. A new biography on Biden also suggests that his advanced age hinders him from easily recalling names and contributes to his limited public appearances before 10 a.m. Jean-Pierre dismissed these concerns as "ridiculous assumptions."

Overall, the age of politicians and their ability to effectively serve in office has become a topic of discussion, with a majority of Americans expressing concerns about Biden's age. However, the impact of these concerns on the upcoming election remains to be seen.

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