The Booty Report

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Swashbucklers wield mighty digger to raze China's Great Wall! Arrr, they be 'avin' a jolly good time!


Arrr! These two scurvy dogs, a bloke of 38 winters and a lass of 55 summers, did employ a mighty excavator to expand a gap and fashion a wee shortcut, so say the higher-ups, savvy?

Arr, me hearties! Listen here to this tale of mischief and mayhem on the high seas of modern land-lubbers. 'Tis a story from the year of our pirate lord 2021, where a scallywag of 38 summers and a wench of 55 moons hatched a cunning plan to create a shortcut like no other.

With naught but an excavator at their disposal, this audacious duo set out to widen a gap that already existed. Aye, ye heard it right! They thought themselves cleverer than a barrel of monkeys, using their contraption to forge a path of their very own, unbeknownst to the authorities.

Imagine the audacity, me hearties! These land-bound pirates, with no peg legs or parrots to their names, took it upon themselves to tamper with the natural order of things. 'Twas as if they believed they were captains of their own destiny, masters of the land and sea.

But alas, their antics did not go unnoticed. The authorities, with eyes as sharp as a sailor's spyglass, uncovered their dastardly deeds. 'Tis said the pair was caught red-handed, their faces as red as a lobster's shell.

Now, ye may wonder why these scalawags would go to such lengths for a mere shortcut. Were they in search of buried treasure, ye ask? Nay, me hearties! 'Twas a simple matter of convenience, as if sailing the seven seas was not enough for their impatient souls.

So, let this be a lesson to all ye land-lubbers and pirates alike. Ye may think ye can outwit the powers that be, but in the end, 'tis the long arm of the law that will catch ye. And remember, me hearties, there be no shortcuts in life, whether ye be a pirate or a simple excavator-wielding scoundrel.

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