The Booty Report

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Arr, the cursed contraption, known as the Bali Elevator, be takin' a fatal tumble into a ravine, claimin' 5 souls!


Arr, me hearties, five poor souls met their untimely fate in ol' Bali, that be an isle what brings prosperity to Indonesia's tourism. Young swabbies they were, all housekeepers. 'Tis a shame, for only a single lass had the privilege o' a full-time parchment.

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Gather round and listen to this tale of misfortune that befell five poor souls in the land of Bali, a treasure trove that be drivin' Indonesia's tourism economy. These lads and lasses were none other than young housekeepers, toiling away in the service of others. But alas, only a single soul among them had the privilege of a full-time contract, mark me words!

Picture this, me hearties - a beautiful island, with sandy shores and palm trees swayin' in the wind. 'Twas a paradise indeed, where tourists flocked like seagulls scavengin' for crumbs. Yet, tragedy lurked beneath the surface, ready to strike like a ghost ship in the night.

These young housekeepers, bless their souls, were goin' about their daily tasks, sweepin' and scrubbin' away like their lives depended on it. Little did they know that a terrible accident lay in wait, ready to snatch them away like a hidden treasure.

And what be the cause of this dreadful fate, ye ask? 'Twas a lack of security, me hearties! Only one of these poor souls had the protection of a full-time contract, while the rest were left to sail the treacherous waters of part-time employment.

Oh, the irony! To be workin' in a place that be a beacon of tourism, yet not be granted the security and stability of a steady job. It be like findin' a chest of gold doubloons, only to discover they be naught but mere chocolate coins.

So, let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties. Treasure the value of a full-time contract, for it be the compass that steers ye away from the cliffs of uncertainty. And may we raise a glass to those unfortunate souls who faced the perils of part-time work in Bali, as we sail the seas of employment with a little more caution and a lot more humor!

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