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Arrr, mateys! Beware, for Hunter Biden be facin' an indictment. Aye, they reckon we be fools!


Arrr, me hearties! Be it known that the Special Counsel, David Weiss, hath declared on Wednesday his intention to indict none other than President Biden's scurvy son, Hunter, on a felony gun charge. Methinks 'tis a tale of twisted fate, a fine irony indeed, as we ponder upon the treacherous path that hath led us to this here moment, savvy?

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the author highlights the perceived incompetence and attempts at deception by faux Special Counsel David Weiss in relation to the potential indictment of Hunter Biden on a felony gun charge. The author asserts that Weiss, who is unqualified for his position, was appointed by Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland precisely because they believe the public is foolish. The announcement of the impending indictment is seen as a forced move by Weiss due to pressure from Judge Maryellen Noreika.

The author explains that Judge Noreika previously unraveled a plea deal offered to Hunter Biden by the Justice Department and questions the extent of immunity granted to him. Weiss had attempted to bury the gun charge, but Judge Noreika's actions cornered him into making the indictment announcement. The author emphasizes that Weiss's attempts to handle Hunter's case with leniency are a humiliation for him and highlight the special treatment the Biden family receives.

The author criticizes Weiss for attempting to divert the gun charge instead of properly charging it, which would have been the standard procedure for any other defendant. The irregularity of Weiss's actions allows Hunter's lawyers to argue that the diversion agreement still stands. The author notes that Noreika demanded an update on the case, forcing Weiss to publicly announce his intention to indict.

The author questions why Weiss has not pursued the simple indictment earlier and accuses him and the Biden Justice Department of hoping the public is too ignorant to notice the delay. The author also dismisses Weiss's previous claim about being blocked from indicting Hunter on tax charges, highlighting that the gun case falls under Weiss's jurisdiction.

Ultimately, the author contends that if Weiss truly intended to indict Hunter Biden on the gun charge, he would have done so years ago, but instead, he continues to stall. The overall tone suggests that the author finds humor in the perceived incompetence and deception surrounding the case.

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