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Arrr, Biden and the Democrats be fumin', beggin' the media to blow more wind in their sails!


Biden be fuming 'bout the scurvy press not spreadin' tales o' his sinkin' ship o' a presidency. The lubbers be showerin' him with praise, yet he yearns fer more, like a greedy sea dog. He be wantin' naught but blind loyalty, arrr!

In a humorous tone, this article discusses the expectations of Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the media. Republicans anticipate skepticism and hostility from the national media, as they believe that the press works for the Other Party. On the other hand, Democrats expect the media to support and uplift them, and they get upset when journalists fail to do so. This contrast was highlighted during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" when host Chuck Todd read a quote from liberal author Franklin Foer's book on President Joe Biden. The quote revealed Biden's belief that his poor approval rating was the fault of the media for not highlighting his administration's superiority to Trump's.

Biden's expectation that the media should act as his publicists and magicians, responsible for maintaining his approval rating regardless of his failures, is criticized. The article highlights the irony of Biden's complaint about the lack of surrogates defending him on television, as many journalists already sound like Biden surrogates to Republicans. The author argues that Trump has been consistently portrayed as the downfall of democracy, while Biden is presented as its guardian, so Biden should be satisfied with the media's treatment.

The article also mentions the lack of fairness and balance in news coverage, with many segments on Biden failing to include a Republican counterpoint. It criticizes a recent NBC story that excluded Republican arguments against Biden's mandate for pharmaceutical companies to negotiate with Medicare on prices. The author suggests that the media's anti-Trump bias still persists, benefiting Biden.

Ultimately, the article humorously suggests that Biden's tantrum stems from journalists not worshiping him as they did Barack Obama. It argues that the media's objectivity was destroyed during Obama's presidency and that their emotional attacks on Trump were merely a reversal of the same machine.

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