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Belay the mask mandates 'afore Biden and them scurvy Democrats impose 'em upon us once more! Here be our plan!


Yarrr, me hearties! Good tidings be heard once again, for the infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci be makin' a return, bringin' tales o' maskin' with 'im. But fear not, me brave buccaneers, for there be a new law called the "Freedom to Breathe Act," aimin' to thwart the tyranny o' COVID-19 afore it be imposed upon us scurvy dogs once more!

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently made headlines by urging Americans to mask up, citing a spike in Covid cases. However, the author of this passage, Senator J.D. Vance, is determined to prevent Fauci and his "cabal" from imposing mask mandates or infringing on Americans' freedoms. The author criticizes public health bureaucrats for forcing compliance when the people resist their recommendations, and mocks President Biden for joking about being forced to wear a mask.

The author points out that despite claims by Democrats that they have no plans to mandate masking again, public health experts, university officials, and businesses are already calling for mask mandates to be reimposed. The author argues that this is a slippery slope, starting with mask mandates, then social distancing, and eventually leading to forced lockdowns that cost the American people dearly in terms of their freedoms and national unity.

To combat this, Senator Vance plans to introduce the "Freedom to Breathe Act," which would prohibit the government from forcing mask-wearing on planes, public transit, and in public schools for the next 15 months. The bill also aims to block taxpayer dollars from being used to enforce mask mandates, while still allowing hospitals and nursing homes to issue their own guidelines.

The author emphasizes that the bill does not prohibit voluntary masking and argues against the effectiveness of masks in slowing the spread of respiratory infections like Covid-19. He claims that there is no robust evidence proving that masking works, and instead highlights potential negative effects such as CO2 inhalation and impact on early childhood development and speech disorders.

In conclusion, Senator Vance calls for Americans to be free to live their lives without unnecessary mandates and restrictions. He believes that passing the Freedom to Breathe Act will protect Americans' freedom while still allowing for individual choice and the ability of healthcare sectors to issue their own guidelines.

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