The Booty Report

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Arr, ye landlubbers be worryin' 'bout them fancy AI-powered flying contraptions! They give us the upper hand, but be scarin' us with those moral dilemmas!


Arr, me hearties! The scurvy U.S. Air Force be still tinkering with a vessel devoid of crew, controlled by the sorcery of artificial intelligence! They be hopin' this contraption be bringin' 'em fresh advantages on the battlefield, arrr!

The U.S. Air Force is developing a pilotless aircraft run by artificial intelligence (AI) that could potentially give American forces an advantage in conflicts. However, this advancement also raises ethical questions about how such powerful technology should be deployed on the battlefield. Phil Siegel, an AI expert and the founder of the Center For Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation, believes that this technology is essential for the future of defense. The aircraft, known as the XQ-58A Valkyrie, is being developed by Kratos Defense & Security Solutions and aims to provide an inexpensive weapon that can limit losses to manned planes and pilots in a conflict with near-peer rivals like China. The advantages of the AI-run aircraft include its relatively cheap costs compared to other military aircraft and the ability to act as a wingman for manned planes, identifying threats, engaging targets, and even absorbing enemy fire. However, the use of AI in lethal weapons raises concerns about autonomy and the potential for civilian casualties. Military planners are aware of these concerns and believe that further development and clear instructions are needed for AI-run aircraft. While safeguards have been put in place, including human input before certain decisions are made, the need for such technology is growing as adversaries like China invest in advanced air defense systems. AI will play a crucial role in future battles, but it must be carefully controlled and guided to ensure the best outcomes.

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