The Booty Report

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Arrr, will ye replace that rat-infested 24 Sussex Drive, matey? Ye best be scurrying off them rodents!


Arrr, word be spreadin' that due to security fears, them officials be thinkin' 'bout constructin' a new abode to replace 24 Sussex Drive, that ol' dilapidated and forsaken residence o' Canada's cap'n o' the ship.

Arrr, will ye replace that rat-infested 24 Sussex Drive, matey? Ye best be scurrying off them rodents!

Arrr, me hearties! Word on the high seas be sayin' that them officials be talkin' 'bout buildin' a new house to replace that ol' abandoned shack they call 24 Sussex Drive! Aye, ye heard it right, mateys! The official residence of Canada's prime ministers be lookin' worse than a sunken ship, and it be needin' some serious fixin'.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what all the fuss be about. Well, it be like this, me buckos: 24 Sussex Drive be a place where them prime ministers live, but it be fallin' apart faster than a pirate ship in a storm. The ceilings be leakin' like a sieve, the walls be crumblin', and the whole place be lookin' derelict. It be no place for a respectable pirate, let alone a prime minister!

But, ye see, me hearties, there be a problem. Buildin' a new house be no easy task, especially when them officials be worryin' 'bout security concerns. Aye, they be wantin' to make sure the new house be safe from all them scurvy dogs who be wantin' to harm the prime minister. And can ye blame 'em? No, ye can't!

So, they be discussin' and plannin', tryin' to figure out how to build a new house fit for a pirate... I mean, fit for a prime minister. They be wantin' it to be sturdy like a fortress and fancy like a treasure chest. But, alas, it be takin' some time to sort it all out.

But fear not, me hearties! The officials be knowin' that a new house be needed, and they be workin' hard to make it happen. They be wantin' a new place where the prime minister can rest and plan their next plunder... I mean, their next political move. So, keep an eye out for any updates, me buckos, 'cause a new house for Canada's prime ministers be on the horizon!

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