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Arr, be Will Hunter takin' to defend his gun charge, claimin' protection under thar 2nd Amendment?


Arrr, me hearties! Methinks young Hunter Biden may be grasp'n at the 2nd Amendment to fend off his gun charges, but 'tis a twist of fate that could leave the Bidens at odds, like two ships sailin' in different directions, aye!

After Hunter Biden's failed deal with the Justice Department, his lawyer angrily told prosecutors to "just rip it up." However, the defense team wants to keep the diversion agreement to avoid charges over his false statement for a gun permit. They argue that the agreement was signed before the court's collapse and is therefore final. The Justice Department disagrees, stating that the plea agreement was not agreed upon by the probation officer or the court. They have pledged to indict Hunter by the end of the month.

Hunter is determined to hold onto the agreement, even claiming that the Justice Department will have to pry it from his "cold, dead fingers." This could put the Biden White House in a difficult situation. One possible defense strategy is to argue that the underlying law itself is unconstitutional. The law in question prohibits anyone who is an "unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance" from possessing a gun. However, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently ruled that this law violated the Second Amendment.

Hunter might find himself in strange company, as his father has denounced the court's decision and been a vocal supporter of the law. If Hunter goes down this path, he would have to argue that references to gun ownership by "law-abiding citizens" in previous cases should not exclude those who break the law. The government has tried to use historical analogies to justify the law, but the court has rejected these claims.

If the diversion agreement is rejected, it could create even more trouble for the Biden family. Hunter would be embracing decisions and rights that his father has long opposed. The Justice Department, on the other hand, would be citing historical precedents used against Catholics (like the Bidens) as potential insurrectionists who cannot be trusted with weapons.

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