The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs be wantin' to use schools to fill yer nipper's heads with their outrageous plans!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Beware them climate crazies, for they be usin' schools to bewitch yer wee ones! Nay mind the fact that many lil' scallywags can't read nor scribble. They'll be learnin' naught but student climate action, arrr!

Hammering K-12 school children nonstop about the dangers of climate change in every class, even math, art, and gym, is being compared to child abuse. Despite the fact that only one-third of fourth graders can read or do math at grade level, climate activists are demanding that kids hear about global warming in every class. New Jersey has already mandated it, and now Connecticut is following suit. In New York City, Mayor Eric Adams is requiring every public school to participate in Climate Action Day.

The push for climate education is seen as nakedly political, spearheaded in New Jersey by the governor's wife, Tammy Murphy, a founding member of Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. Lessons now link urban heat islands to tree placement inequities, redlining, and racism.

Children are being fed heavy-handed messaging that global warming is killing their favorite animals. First-graders are being taught that transportation, heating, and raising livestock are "making Earth feel unwell."

The reality is that these children are too young to comprehend the trade-offs of moving to zero carbon immediately. They don't understand the impact on their family's budget or the economic implications of eliminating fossil fuels. They are too young to address the ethical and economic implications of such a shift.

The scientific community is divided about the urgency of eliminating fossil fuels, and a majority of scientists disagree with the claim that severe weather like hurricanes and tornadoes will significantly increase. Eliminating fossil fuels on the radical left's green timetable will cost jobs, raise living costs, and weaken America's position in the world.

Some states, such as Texas and Ohio, are urging presenting all viewpoints on climate change and avoiding textbooks that present only one side. They aim to encourage students to reach their own conclusions, without inculcating any social, political, or religious point of view.

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