The Booty Report

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Arrr, the G20 scallywags be forgettin' to throw shade at Russia's plunderin' o' Ukraine in their declaration. Shameful!


Arrr, the American scallywags be defendin' the agreement, claimin' it be buildin' on the statement released last year. They be pressin' on for peace in Ukraine, like true landlubbers!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, tis a tale of American officials defendin' an agreement, claimin' it builds on a statement from last year. They be sayin' that the United States be still pressin' for peace in Ukraine, arrr!

Aye, me hearties, ye see, these officials be defendin' an agreement like a crew defendin' their treasure chest from scurvy dogs. They be sayin' it be buildin' on a statement released last year, like addin' more doubloons to the treasure pile. But the real booty they be after, me hearties, be peace in Ukraine!

Arrr, these officials be wieldin' their words like cutlasses, tryin' to convince us that they be fightin' for peace. They be sayin' that the United States be still pressin' for it, like a captain pressin' his crew to search for buried treasure. But can ye trust these landlubbers, me hearties?

They be defendin' this agreement, claimin' it be a step toward peace in Ukraine. They be sayin' it be a continuation of their efforts from last year, like a ship sailin' to distant shores. But I ask ye, me hearties, be there truly peace on the horizon?

Arrr, these American officials be speakin' with tongues as slippery as an eel, tryin' to convince us that they be true to their word. But we be needin' more than words, me hearties, we be needin' action! We be needin' these officials to hoist the Jolly Roger and truly fight for peace in Ukraine!

So, me hearties, let us not be swayed by their fancy words and promises. Let us keep our eyes on the horizon and hold these officials accountable for their actions. For only then, me hearties, can we truly find the peace we be seekin' in Ukraine!

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